Why Doing Planks Exercises Every Day Is Super Good for You!

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Why Doing Planks Exercises Every Day Is Super Good for You!

Let’s talk about a simple and amazing thing you can do to feel stronger and healthier every day, planks! Planking is super popular in workouts everywhere. This simple yet powerful exercise engages multiple muscle groups and offers benefits for both beginners and fitness enthusiasts.

When you stay in a straight line from your head to your heels while doing a plank, your tummy muscles team up to make you strong and last longer. This doesn’t just make you stand up straight but also helps stop your lower back from hurting.

In this blog, we’ll talk about why spending a few minutes each day doing planks can make you energetic.

10 Benefits of Doing it Every day:

The plank exercise is a fantastic way to make your tummy and back muscles super strong.

  1. People who love yoga, boxing, and sports like hockey and football all use the plank because it’s perfect for them.
  2. Even sports stars in football and hockey do the plank. It helps them have a strong core, so they don’t wobble during the game.
  3. Boxers and martial arts experts do it between pushups and crunches to make their belly muscles super strong.

Here are some of the benefits of doing it every day:

1.      Core Strength and Stability

First off, planks make your tummy muscles (like the ones that give you a six-pack) super strong. They also help your back muscles, making your whole middle part way tougher.

2.      Improved Posture:

Ever notice yourself slouching or feeling a bit droopy? Planks can fix that! Doing planks regularly makes you stand up straight and tall. You’ll look and feel more confident – like a superhero stance!

3.      Enhanced Metabolism:

Planks aren’t just about getting strong; they also help you burn calories. It’s like your body is doing a little workout party, using up energy and helping you stay in good shape.

4.      Full body workout:

Planks are like a full-body workout package. While you’re doing them, your arms, legs, and shoulders are all joining in on the fun.

5.      Increased Flexibility:

Planks make you more flexible. They stretch out your muscles, making it easier to move around.  Flexibility allows you to bend and stretch without feeling tight or uncomfortable.

6.      Easy on Your Body:

Some exercises can be tough on your joints, but not planks. They are super gentle. No jumping around or crazy moves – just holding a strong pose. It’s like a friendly workout that anyone can do, no matter how young or old.

7.      Makes Your Brain Strong:

Believe it or not, planks are perfect for your brain too. When you do planks, you have to concentrate, and that’s like a little brain workout. Plus, finishing a plank session feels like you conquered a tiny challenge – making your brain happy.

8.      Quick and Easy:

Life is busy, right? The cool thing about planks is that you don’t need a lot of time. It’s a quick and easy way to be in shape for your health. Just a couple of minutes each day, and you’re finished!

9.      Never Gets Boring:

Planks stay fun and engaging because you can mix it up with different versions – whether it’s the classic plank, side plank, or other variations. It’s like having different levels in a game, keeps things interesting and fun.

10.  Lower Back Pain Relief:

Strengthening the core also plays a crucial role in alleviating lower back pain. A tough core supports your spine, making your lower back muscles less stressed and reducing any discomfort.

Side Plank Leg Raise Benefits

While the plank is super effective, trying different versions can make things more interesting and focus on specific muscles. A great example is the side plank leg raise, which takes the goodness of the regular plank and puts extra emphasis on the muscles on your sides.

Targeting the Obliques:

Doing the side plank leg raise makes your oblique muscles work extra hard. When you lift your leg, those side muscles have to kick in to keep you steady. This gives those muscles a more defined look.

Enhanced Hip Strength:

Lifting your leg in a side plank makes your hip muscles – the abductors and adductors – get to work. This helps make your hips stronger and more stable. This is super useful for people who do sports or activities that involve moving from side to side.

Balancing Act:

Achieving and sustaining a side plank position with a leg raise requires coordination and balance. This enhances stability and proprioception.

The Power of Elbow Planks:

Another noteworthy variation is the elbow plank, which shifts the focus slightly and introduces unique benefits to your workout routine.

Reduced Strain on Wrists:

The elbow plank is gentler on the wrists, making it a good choice for those with wrist concerns. This adjustment lets you concentrate on working your core without any discomfort in your wrists.

Increased Shoulder Stability:

The elbow plank challenges the shoulder muscles by requiring them to stabilize the body. This added demand contributes to improved shoulder strength and stability over time.

Full Body Engagement:

Elbow planks engage not only the core but also the muscles in the shoulders, back, and legs. This comprehensive activation of muscle groups makes it an efficient full-body exercise.


So, there you have it – incorporating plank exercises into your routine not only makes you healthier but also stronger. They’re simple, quick, and come with numerous benefits. Give it a try, and witness your body becoming super strong and awesome. Don’t wait, start planking your way to a happier and healthier you!

Frequently Asked Questions:

What muscles do planks work?

Planks mainly work your belly, sides, and lower back. They also involve muscles in your arms, shoulders, and legs, giving your whole body a workout.

How long should I do a plank?

If you’re just starting, aim for 20-30 seconds. Add more time as you get stronger. Experts might go for 60 seconds or more. But remember, it’s better to do it right than for a long time.

Can anyone do planks?

Yep! Planks can be adjusted for different fitness levels. Beginners can start easy and work up. If you have health issues, it’s smart to talk to a pro before starting.

How often should I do planks?

Doing planks 3-4 times a week is good. Give your muscles time to rest between. Keep it up, and you’ll get stronger!

Can planks help with back pain? Absolutely! Planks make your core strong and improve how you stand. This helps your back. But if your back’s already bothering you, chat with an expert before diving in.